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That's Good Science! | videos



18 | Tricking Toxins: a Fishing Tale

Researchers ask how the marine puffer fish leverages the deadly alkaloid tetrodotoxin without succumbing to it-and find some surprising answers.

Synthetic Bio
17 | Heading into Bat Caves on a Rescue Mission

In an effort to fight a devastating bat disease, scientists develop PCR assays to detect the pathogen in soil samples from bat caves.

Neural Tube
16 | Researchers Seek Early Signs of Neural Tube Defects

On a quest to identify biomarkers for neural tube defects, researchers use PrimeScript Reverse Transcriptase and SYBR® qPCR kits to identify miRNAs differentially expressed in maternal serum associated with the condition.

15 | Building Better Biological Systems

By taking an engineering view of biology, synthetic biology researchers are creating entirely new genetic circuitry in E. coli-and In-Fusion® cloning systems make it fast and easy.

Genetic Disease
14 | New Blood: Alleles Rarer than a Needle in a Haystack

While searching for a way to study genetic disease alleles that are tricky to detect due to somatic mosaicism, researchers found that an NGS-based approach using PrimeSTAR GXL polymerase gave the required level of sensitivity.

Leopard Spots
13 | How the Leopard Lost Its Spots

An international team of scientists finds that the answer to how leopards produce panthers lies in single nucleotide polymorphisms.

12 | Simplicity Conquers Complexity in Influenza Research

Influenza keeps making us sick because of complex diversity in viral types, subtypes, and strains, but an elegantly simple approach to cloning and sequencing viral samples may speed up research.

Bone Mass
11 | Boning Up on miRNA-regulated Osteoclast Development

Scientists identify a miRNA involved in osteoclast development, giving insight into the push-me-pull-you process of bone maintenance performed by osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

Hepatitis B
10 | Hitting Back at Hepatitis B

In a quest for new strategies to combat Hepatitis B-caused hepatocellular carcinoma, scientists identified human miRNAs critical for disease progression.

9 | Fighting Mosquitoes and Dengue Fever with a RIDL

This riddle's on the bugs: Researchers used the Tet-Off® system to develop the Release of Insects carrying a Dominant Lethal system for controlling mosquito populations.

Stem Cells
08 | Stem Cells Let Biologists Become Time Travelers

By "melting time" and turning back the developmental clock, Nobel Prize winners John Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka revolutionized our understanding of mammalian cell differentiation.

07 | Getting the Skinny on Fat with an Inducible Mouse Model

To understand the physiological role of adipocytes, researchers create a clever transgenic mouse model that allows them to obliterate fat cells at will.

06 | Sustaining Science through Green Initiatives

To reduce fuel consumption and landfill waste, an environmental stewardship program at the University of Washington encourages the use of energy-saving, waste-reducing reagents, such as EcoDryproducts.

05 | Turning Immune Cells into Cancer-fighting Ninjas

Researchers engineer a patient's own lymphocytes to recognize cancer antigens, then return the engineered cells to the patient where they specifically target cancer cells.

04 | A Pathway to Beautiful Bananas

A deeper understanding of the signaling pathway for banana fruit ripening may be a first step to getting bananas from tree to table at the peak of perfection.

03 | RNA-Seq Shows its Sensitive Side

Conventional RNA-Seq methods require over 10 ng of RNA from 100 cells, but researchers used the SMARTer® Ultra Low for Illumina® kit to study gene expression in a single circulating tumor cell with just 10 pg of input RNA.

Asiatic Bears
02 | Quantifying Population Size by the Hairs of the Bears

Hair traps and a sensitive PCR assay help conservation biologists monitor the population size of Asian Black Bears – from a safe distance.

1-GFP video
01 | The Jellyfish Protein that Lit Up a World of New Discoveries

The humble jellyfish Aequorea victoria launched a life science research revolution by illuminating countless scientific explorations.